Event: FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId
(too old to reply)
2007-09-19 12:59:58 UTC

One secondary PDC gives the "FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId" FRS error in
the event log. What should we do to correct the problem...?

I suspect that the problem arised after a domain rename, but I hope
there is a way to resolve it w/o reinstalling the secondary DC...

regards jake

Message in event log:

The File Replication Service is unable to add this computer to the
following replica set:

This could be caused by a number of problems such as:
-- an invalid root path,
-- a missing directory,
-- a missing disk volume,
-- a file system on the volume that does not support NTFS 5.0

The information below may help to resolve the problem:
Computer DNS name is "peter.mydomain.LAN"
Replica set member name is "PETER"
Replica set root path is "c:\windows\sysvol\domain"
Replica staging directory path is "c:\windows\sysvol\staging\domain"
Replica working directory path is "c:\windows\ntfrs\jet"
Windows error status code is
FRS error status code is FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId
Rudolf Meier
2007-09-19 14:31:09 UTC
One secondary PDC gives the "FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId" FRS error in the
event log. What should we do to correct the problem...?
I suspect that the problem arised after a domain rename, but I hope there
is a way to resolve it w/o reinstalling the secondary DC...
regards jake
The File Replication Service is unable to add this computer to the
-- an invalid root path,
-- a missing directory,
-- a missing disk volume,
-- a file system on the volume that does not support NTFS 5.0
Computer DNS name is "peter.mydomain.LAN"
Replica set member name is "PETER"
Replica set root path is "c:\windows\sysvol\domain"
Replica staging directory path is "c:\windows\sysvol\staging\domain"
Replica working directory path is "c:\windows\ntfrs\jet"
Windows error status code is
FRS error status code is FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId
You could try to do this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925633/en-us
I once had a similar problem, after changing a failed harddisk in a DC.
Because the ID of the disk changed, the service also stopped and reported
something similar to what you got. After the restore action it worked again.
I hope this helps...

Rudolf Meier
2016-06-16 15:08:45 UTC
Post by Jake
One secondary PDC gives the "FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId" FRS error in
the event log. What should we do to correct the problem...?
I suspect that the problem arised after a domain rename, but I hope
there is a way to resolve it w/o reinstalling the secondary DC...
regards jake
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The File Replication Service is unable to add this computer to the
-- an invalid root path,
-- a missing directory,
-- a missing disk volume,
-- a file system on the volume that does not support NTFS 5.0
Computer DNS name is "peter.mydomain.LAN"
Replica set member name is "PETER"
Replica set root path is "c:\windows\sysvol\domain"
Replica staging directory path is "c:\windows\sysvol\staging\domain"
Replica working directory path is "c:\windows\ntfrs\jet"
Windows error status code is
FRS error status code is FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId