Serious problem with Windows 2003 and shared directory
(too old to reply)
2009-02-08 10:10:03 UTC
I have a very serious problem with Windows 2003 Server and all client
(Windows XP).
From the clients, all accounts (included domain administrators) can creade
and delete the files in shared directories. But when I try to open, save a
file the application (notepad, word, excel, all) goes freeze.
In other words I can create or delete a file but I cannot open or save it!
2009-02-08 23:35:03 UTC
You do not help yourself by posting 3 times, it tends to make you look

I assume you are accessing the shared folders via DFS, some configuration info
would help. Notepad and Word are very different is the way they handle file
updates. Notepad opens the file and reads it, then writes the updated content to
the file. Word opens the file and reads it, then writes a new temp file, deletes
the original and rename the temp file. This difference may help you to pin down
Post by Denis
I have a very serious problem with Windows 2003 Server and all client
(Windows XP).
From the clients, all accounts (included domain administrators) can creade
and delete the files in shared directories. But when I try to open, save a
file the application (notepad, word, excel, all) goes freeze.
In other words I can create or delete a file but I cannot open or save it!
Dave Mills
There are 10 types of people, those that understand binary and those that don't.
2009-02-09 11:11:00 UTC
Post by DaveMills
You do not help yourself by posting 3 times, it tends to make you look
I assume you are accessing the shared folders via DFS, some configuration info
Sorry but I'm very worried.
From the clients, I login in the pc like domanin administrator. I open
\\server01\c$ directory, I open sample.txt widh notepad. Notepad open the
file but if I try to save it the application freeze.
I must go into the server -> manage -> opened files and close it.
This thing appends widh all programs from all client pc.

Sotty for my bad english.
2009-02-09 19:30:20 UTC
Even if you have a real problem this is a world wide group so some will not even
see the message for 12 to 24 hours.

Re the configuration. \\server01\c$ is not a DFS name so this is not the best
group. The problem is not related to DFS so asking in a more relevant server
group would maybe be better and provide a better and quicker answer.

The ULR \\server01\c$ is only accessible to administrators but in your first
question you state that everyone including administrators has the problem. Non
administrators will not even be able to access the files on \\server01\c$ so now
you have me a bit confused. Please be very specific about the configuration.
This is an odd problem. It could be "offline files", "permissions" or a number
of other issues that are not obvious.
Post by Denis
Post by DaveMills
You do not help yourself by posting 3 times, it tends to make you look
I assume you are accessing the shared folders via DFS, some configuration info
Sorry but I'm very worried.
From the clients, I login in the pc like domanin administrator. I open
\\server01\c$ directory, I open sample.txt widh notepad. Notepad open the
file but if I try to save it the application freeze.
I must go into the server -> manage -> opened files and close it.
This thing appends widh all programs from all client pc.
Sotty for my bad english.
Dave Mills
There are 10 types of people, those that understand binary and those that don't.