not accessible error when accessing dfs location on one of two ser
(too old to reply)
2009-01-29 20:31:02 UTC
I get an error on some of my windows xp client machines that says the folder
in dfs is not accessible.

\\dfsroot\dfs\sharename is not accessible. You might not have permission to
use this network resource. contact the administraotr of this server to find
out if you have access permissions.

the network path is not found.

All shares to this one server exhibit this behavior. we have shares on a
different server that work fine on all machines. Most machines in the
network are able to access all dfs locations. the servers are windows 2003.
there are some vista client machines on the network.

when i right click the folder in dfs and select properties, there is a dfs
tab. on that tab, i can click 'clear history', 'check status' and 'set
clear history - does not seem to do anything.
check status - changes the icon in the referral list to include a small red
circle with white x. also, the status changes to 'Unreachable'.
set active - does not seem to do anything except change the active column to

I attempted to access the share directly via the path shown in the referral
list. doing this i get an error saying 'windows cannot find
'\\server\path$'. check the spelling and try again, or try searching for the
item by clicking the start button and then clicking search'.

On some of the machines, when this error shows up, rebooting will fix the
problem. on others, deleting the offline cache will fix the problem for a
Bill Cochran
2009-01-29 20:55:01 UTC
I also noticed that the security tab is not showing on the shares located on
the server exhibiting the failure. For the server that works, the security
tab displays in the properties view of each folder.
Bill Cochran
2009-01-29 21:29:02 UTC
Here's the output from the failing client when running dfsutil.exe:

C:\>dfsutil /spcInfo

DFS Utility Version 5.2 (built on 5.2.3790.3959)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


DfsUtil command completed successfully.

C:\>dfsutil /PktInfo

DFS Utility Version 5.2 (built on 5.2.3790.3959)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

1 entries...
Entry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs
ShortEntry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs
Expires in 0 seconds
UseCount: 3 Type:0x81 ( REFERRAL_SVC DFS )
0:[\server2\DFS] State:0x119 ( ACTIVE TARGETSET )
1:[\server1\DFS] State:0x09 ( )

DfsUtil command completed successfully.

C:\>dfsutil /PktInfo

DFS Utility Version 5.2 (built on 5.2.3790.3959)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

4 entries...
Entry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs
ShortEntry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs
Expires in 300 seconds
UseCount: 3 Type:0x81 ( REFERRAL_SVC DFS )
0:[\server2\DFS] State:0x119 ( ACTIVE TARGETSET )
1:[\server1\DFS] State:0x09 ( )

Entry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs\Share1
ShortEntry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs\Share1
Expires in 1800 seconds
UseCount: 0 Type:0x1 ( DFS )
0:[\server1\Share1$] State:0x121 ( TARGETSET )

Entry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs\Share2
ShortEntry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs\Share2
Expires in 1800 seconds
UseCount: 0 Type:0x1 ( DFS )
0:[\server1\Share2$] State:0x121 ( TARGETSET )

Entry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs\Share3
ShortEntry: \internalnetwork.company.com\dfs\Share3
Expires in 1800 seconds
UseCount: 0 Type:0x1 ( DFS )
0:[\server1\Share3$] State:0x121 ( TARGETSET )

DfsUtil command completed successfully.


Bill Cochran
2009-01-29 22:09:01 UTC
I'm trying to find information about the dfsutil output. What are the state
codes? where is some documentation about these codes? I have 0x09 and 0x19.
What do they mean?
Bill Cochran
Marcus Dempsey
2009-01-30 09:04:04 UTC
Same here, I've been following the same investigation as you and no joy, have
you installed all the latest DFS hotfixes/updates?


Post by breBill
I get an error on some of my windows xp client machines that says the folder
in dfs is not accessible.
\\dfsroot\dfs\sharename is not accessible. You might not have permission to
use this network resource. contact the administraotr of this server to find
out if you have access permissions.
the network path is not found.
All shares to this one server exhibit this behavior. we have shares on a
different server that work fine on all machines. Most machines in the
network are able to access all dfs locations. the servers are windows 2003.
there are some vista client machines on the network.
when i right click the folder in dfs and select properties, there is a dfs
tab. on that tab, i can click 'clear history', 'check status' and 'set
clear history - does not seem to do anything.
check status - changes the icon in the referral list to include a small red
circle with white x. also, the status changes to 'Unreachable'.
set active - does not seem to do anything except change the active column to
I attempted to access the share directly via the path shown in the referral
list. doing this i get an error saying 'windows cannot find
'\\server\path$'. check the spelling and try again, or try searching for the
item by clicking the start button and then clicking search'.
On some of the machines, when this error shows up, rebooting will fix the
problem. on others, deleting the offline cache will fix the problem for a
Bill Cochran