DFS Replication Error
(too old to reply)
2007-06-08 14:30:01 UTC
I have two Win2003 SP 1 server file server hosting all the data of my company
around 1tb. We have configured DFS as per our requirement and FRS to
replicate data on each other 24/7 for around 15 Replica.
Yesterday all of sudden FRS service stoped with an error and not able to
start as it should. I tried couple of time to service start forcefully also
but there is not any success. So I removed all the ntfrs LOG and TEMP.EDB and
started FRS service, it helps but re-initiate all the replica and replication
from other server. So it moved all the replica data in NTFRS_PRE_EXISTING
folder and started replication from other server as we configured FRS first
FYI bellowed mentioned events I got that time.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13506
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:50:08 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service failed a consistency check
(!"Invalid CO Location cmd transition-1")
in "JrnlUpdateChangeOrder:" at line 4393.

The File Replication Service will restart automatically at a later time. If
this problem persists a subsequent entry in this event log describes the
recovery procedure.
For more information about the automatic restart right click on My Computer
and then click on Manage, System Tools, Services, File Replication Service,
and Recovery.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13555
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:50:08 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is in an error state. Files will not replicate
to or from one or all of the replica sets on this computer until the
following recovery steps are performed:

Recovery Steps:

[1] The error state may clear itself if you stop and restart the FRS
service. This can be done by performing the following in a command window:

net stop ntfrs
net start ntfrs

If this fails to clear up the problem then proceed as follows.

[2] For Active Directory Domain Controllers that DO NOT host any DFS
alternates or other replica sets with replication enabled:

If there is at least one other Domain Controller in this domain then restore
the "system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or other
backup-restore utility) and make it non-authoritative.

If there are NO other Domain Controllers in this domain then restore the
"system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or other backup-restore
utility) and choose the Advanced option which marks the sysvols as primary.

If there are other Domain Controllers in this domain but ALL of them have
this event log message then restore one of them as primary (data files from
primary will replicate everywhere) and the others as non-authoritative.

[3] For Active Directory Domain Controllers that host DFS alternates or
other replica sets with replication enabled:

(3-a) If the Dfs alternates on this DC do not have any other replication
partners then copy the data under that Dfs share to a safe location.
(3-b) If this server is the only Active Directory Domain Controller for
this domain then, before going to (3-c), make sure this server does not have
any inbound or outbound connections to other servers that were formerly
Domain Controllers for this domain but are now off the net (and will never be
coming back online) or have been fresh installed without being demoted. To
delete connections use the Sites and Services snapin and look for
(3-c) Restore the "system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or
other backup-restore utility) and make it non-authoritative.
(3-d) Copy the data from step (3-a) above to the original location after
the sysvol share is published.

[4] For other Windows servers:

(4-a) If any of the DFS alternates or other replica sets hosted by this
server do not have any other replication partners then copy the data under
its share or replica tree root to a safe location.
(4-b) net stop ntfrs
(4-c) rd /s /q c:\windows\ntfrs\jet
(4-d) net start ntfrs
(4-e) Copy the data from step (4-a) above to the original location after
the service has initialized (5 minutes is a safe waiting time).

Note: If this error message is in the eventlog of all the members of a
particular replica set then perform steps (4-a) and (4-e) above on only one
of the members.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Information
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13502
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:50:08 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is stopping.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13504
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:51:38 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service stopped without cleaning up.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Information
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13501
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:56:03 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is starting.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

After this event it is kicking all the errors in same maner again.
Is anybody have any idea why it was happend? Because this was happend second
time with me.

Jill Zoeller [MSFT]
2007-06-09 18:39:45 UTC
If I understand correctly, you are replicating 1 TB of data using FRS? This
is way over what we recommend for FRS (see
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840675/en-us). Is using R2 an option for
you? If so, you can use DFS Replication, which is much better suited for
this amount of data.

I don't have a specific recommendation on how to fix this. I suspect that
even if you do fix it temporarily, you're going to continue having problems
since the amount of data you're replicating is so much greater than what FRS
was designed to handle. Opening a support case could get you temporary
relief but I know they will tell you that FRS isn't recommended with this
amount of data.

Check out DFS Replication at www.microsoft.com/dfs for more info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Want to learn more about Windows file and storage technologies? Visit our
team blog at http://blogs.technet.com/filecab/default.aspx.
Post by JBP
I have two Win2003 SP 1 server file server hosting all the data of my company
around 1tb. We have configured DFS as per our requirement and FRS to
replicate data on each other 24/7 for around 15 Replica.
Yesterday all of sudden FRS service stoped with an error and not able to
start as it should. I tried couple of time to service start forcefully also
but there is not any success. So I removed all the ntfrs LOG and TEMP.EDB and
started FRS service, it helps but re-initiate all the replica and replication
from other server. So it moved all the replica data in NTFRS_PRE_EXISTING
folder and started replication from other server as we configured FRS first
FYI bellowed mentioned events I got that time.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13506
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:50:08 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service failed a consistency check
(!"Invalid CO Location cmd transition-1")
in "JrnlUpdateChangeOrder:" at line 4393.
The File Replication Service will restart automatically at a later time. If
this problem persists a subsequent entry in this event log describes the
recovery procedure.
For more information about the automatic restart right click on My Computer
and then click on Manage, System Tools, Services, File Replication Service,
and Recovery.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13555
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:50:08 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is in an error state. Files will not replicate
to or from one or all of the replica sets on this computer until the
[1] The error state may clear itself if you stop and restart the FRS
net stop ntfrs
net start ntfrs
If this fails to clear up the problem then proceed as follows.
[2] For Active Directory Domain Controllers that DO NOT host any DFS
If there is at least one other Domain Controller in this domain then restore
the "system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or other
backup-restore utility) and make it non-authoritative.
If there are NO other Domain Controllers in this domain then restore the
"system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or other
utility) and choose the Advanced option which marks the sysvols as primary.
If there are other Domain Controllers in this domain but ALL of them have
this event log message then restore one of them as primary (data files from
primary will replicate everywhere) and the others as non-authoritative.
[3] For Active Directory Domain Controllers that host DFS alternates or
(3-a) If the Dfs alternates on this DC do not have any other replication
partners then copy the data under that Dfs share to a safe location.
(3-b) If this server is the only Active Directory Domain Controller for
this domain then, before going to (3-c), make sure this server does not have
any inbound or outbound connections to other servers that were formerly
Domain Controllers for this domain but are now off the net (and will never be
coming back online) or have been fresh installed without being demoted. To
delete connections use the Sites and Services snapin and look for
(3-c) Restore the "system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or
other backup-restore utility) and make it non-authoritative.
(3-d) Copy the data from step (3-a) above to the original location after
the sysvol share is published.
(4-a) If any of the DFS alternates or other replica sets hosted by this
server do not have any other replication partners then copy the data under
its share or replica tree root to a safe location.
(4-b) net stop ntfrs
(4-c) rd /s /q c:\windows\ntfrs\jet
(4-d) net start ntfrs
(4-e) Copy the data from step (4-a) above to the original location after
the service has initialized (5 minutes is a safe waiting time).
Note: If this error message is in the eventlog of all the members of a
particular replica set then perform steps (4-a) and (4-e) above on only one
of the members.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Information
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13502
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:50:08 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is stopping.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13504
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:51:38 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service stopped without cleaning up.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Information
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13501
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:56:03 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is starting.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
After this event it is kicking all the errors in same maner again.
Is anybody have any idea why it was happend? Because this was happend second
time with me.
2010-08-02 17:31:37 UTC
Yup, typical Microsoft.

dfs has problems. It has always had problems. But typical Microsoft -- they want to use their buggy software as leverage to make you buy an upgrade rather than *fixing the problem*.

I recommend that you look at one of the good replication solutions out there. They are a LOT cheaper than upgrading all you servers to R2!

Jill Zoeller [MSFT] wrote:

If I understand correctly, you are replicating 1 TB of data using FRS?

If I understand correctly, you are replicating 1 TB of data using FRS? This
is way over what we recommend for FRS (see
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840675/en-us). Is using R2 an option for
you? If so, you can use DFS Replication, which is much better suited for
this amount of data

I don't have a specific recommendation on how to fix this. I suspect that
even if you do fix it temporarily, you're going to continue having problems
since the amount of data you're replicating is so much greater than what FRS
was designed to handle. Opening a support case could get you temporary
relief but I know they will tell you that FRS isn't recommended with this
amount of data

Check out DFS Replication at www.microsoft.com/dfs for more info

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

Want to learn more about Windows file and storage technologies? Visit our
team blog at http://blogs.technet.com/filecab/default.aspx

"JBP" <***@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:588A3FAC-9CA1-4C21-BA1C-***@microsoft.com...

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Friday, June 08, 2007 10:30 AM
JB wrote:

DFS Replication Error
I have two Win2003 SP 1 server file server hosting all the data of my company
around 1tb. We have configured DFS as per our requirement and FRS to
replicate data on each other 24/7 for around 15 Replica
Yesterday all of sudden FRS service stoped with an error and not able to
start as it should. I tried couple of time to service start forcefully also
but there is not any success. So I removed all the ntfrs LOG and TEMP.EDB and
started FRS service, it helps but re-initiate all the replica and replication
from other server. So it moved all the replica data in NTFRS_PRE_EXISTING
folder and started replication from other server as we configured FRS first
FYI bellowed mentioned events I got that time
Event Type: Erro
Event Source: NtFr
Event Category: Non
Event ID: 1350
Date: 6/7/200
Time: 2:50:08 P
User: N/
Computer: SERVER
The File Replication Service failed a consistency check
(!"Invalid CO Location cmd transition-1")
in "JrnlUpdateChangeOrder:" at line 4393.

The File Replication Service will restart automatically at a later time. If
this problem persists a subsequent entry in this event log describes the
recovery procedure.
For more information about the automatic restart right click on My Computer
and then click on Manage, System Tools, Services, File Replication Service,
and Recovery

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Erro
Event Source: NtFr
Event Category: Non
Event ID: 1355
Date: 6/7/200
Time: 2:50:08 P
User: N/
Computer: SERVER
The File Replication Service is in an error state. Files will not replicate
to or from one or all of the replica sets on this computer until the
following recovery steps are performed:

Recovery Steps:

[1] The error state may clear itself if you stop and restart the FRS
service. This can be done by performing the following in a command window:

net stop ntfrs
net start ntfrs

If this fails to clear up the problem then proceed as follows.

[2] For Active Directory Domain Controllers that DO NOT host any DFS
alternates or other replica sets with replication enabled:

If there is at least one other Domain Controller in this domain then restore
the "system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or other
backup-restore utility) and make it non-authoritative.

If there are NO other Domain Controllers in this domain then restore the
"system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or other backup-restore
utility) and choose the Advanced option which marks the sysvols as primary.

If there are other Domain Controllers in this domain but ALL of them have
this event log message then restore one of them as primary (data files from
primary will replicate everywhere) and the others as non-authoritative.

[3] For Active Directory Domain Controllers that host DFS alternates or
other replica sets with replication enabled:

(3-a) If the Dfs alternates on this DC do not have any other replication
partners then copy the data under that Dfs share to a safe location.
(3-b) If this server is the only Active Directory Domain Controller for
this domain then, before going to (3-c), make sure this server does not have
any inbound or outbound connections to other servers that were formerly
Domain Controllers for this domain but are now off the net (and will never be
coming back online) or have been fresh installed without being demoted. To
delete connections use the Sites and Services snapin and look for
(3-c) Restore the "system state" of this DC from backup (using ntbackup or
other backup-restore utility) and make it non-authoritative.
(3-d) Copy the data from step (3-a) above to the original location after
the sysvol share is published.

[4] For other Windows servers:

(4-a) If any of the DFS alternates or other replica sets hosted by this
server do not have any other replication partners then copy the data under
its share or replica tree root to a safe location.
(4-b) net stop ntfrs
(4-c) rd /s /q c:\windows\ntfrs\jet
(4-d) net start ntfrs
(4-e) Copy the data from step (4-a) above to the original location after
the service has initialized (5 minutes is a safe waiting time).

Note: If this error message is in the eventlog of all the members of a
particular replica set then perform steps (4-a) and (4-e) above on only one
of the members.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Information
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13502
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:50:08 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is stopping.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13504
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:51:38 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service stopped without cleaning up.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Information
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13501
Date: 6/7/2007
Time: 2:56:03 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The File Replication Service is starting.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

After this event it is kicking all the errors in same maner again.
Is anybody have any idea why it was happend? Because this was happend second
time with me.


On Saturday, June 09, 2007 2:39 PM
Jill Zoeller [MSFT] wrote:

If I understand correctly, you are replicating 1 TB of data using FRS?
If I understand correctly, you are replicating 1 TB of data using FRS? This
is way over what we recommend for FRS (see
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840675/en-us). Is using R2 an option for
you? If so, you can use DFS Replication, which is much better suited for
this amount of data.

I don't have a specific recommendation on how to fix this. I suspect that
even if you do fix it temporarily, you're going to continue having problems
since the amount of data you're replicating is so much greater than what FRS
was designed to handle. Opening a support case could get you temporary
relief but I know they will tell you that FRS isn't recommended with this
amount of data.

Check out DFS Replication at www.microsoft.com/dfs for more info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Want to learn more about Windows file and storage technologies? Visit our
team blog at http://blogs.technet.com/filecab/default.aspx.

"JBP" <***@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:588A3FAC-9CA1-4C21-BA1C-***@microsoft.com...

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Changing WCF Service Implementation at Runtime
Dave Warren
2010-08-02 20:03:24 UTC
Post by Mikey
Yup, typical Microsoft.
dfs has problems. It has always had problems.
Your message quotes FRS rather than DFS-R. FRS was built in the days
when few servers had more than a couple GB of data of storage and it
simply doesn't scale to environments with 1000x that level of data.
Post by Mikey
But typical Microsoft -- they want to use their buggy software as leverage
to make you buy an upgrade rather than *fixing the problem*.
Damn them too for not patching NT3.51 to support modern hardware. If
you're going to run something as many generations out of date as 2003
(pre R2), it's not unreasonable to expect that limitations will exist
based on designs aimed at hardware that existed in those days.
Post by Mikey
I recommend that you look at one of the good replication solutions out there.
They are a LOT cheaper than upgrading all you servers to R2!
I doubt you'll find many sync solutions from that era that do the trick.
There are obviously many newer products, but comparing a modern product
vs a 3-generation old product isn't exactly a fair comparison.
Post by Mikey
Post by Jill Zoeller [MSFT]
If I understand correctly, you are replicating 1 TB of data using FRS?